Millions of Australians suffer from sleep apnea, a breathing problem that is often treated with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. CPAP masks come in a variety of styles, some of which are thicker than others. CPAP users have different options when it comes to choosing the right CPAP mask for them.

Nasal masks, nasal pillow masks, full face masks, and face masks are all available for sale, and each has a specific purpose. When selecting the best CPAP mask, it is important to consult with a sleep expert to make sure that the chosen mask is suitable for their individual needs.
Not all CPAP masks are suitable for treating sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea. It is also important to consider if the CPAP mask is comfortable enough to allow the user to sleep on their side or stomach while receiving CPAP therapy.
The Best CPAP Mask for Your Sleep Position
There are three categories of CPAP masks for treating sleep apnea: full-face, nasal, and nasal pillow masks. Nasal masks cover only the nose, and full-face masks cover the lips as well, making them bulkier. The least intrusive are nasal pillow masks, which cover only the nostrils and lack a shell. If the CPAP mask is not fitted properly, it can cause air leakage and reduce the effectiveness of treatment.
The headgear of a CPAP mask may also prevent restful sleep, especially if it has rigid straps or plastic buckles. When selecting a CPAP mask, you should consider its size, length, breadth, and depth, as well as the placement of the headgear on your face. The goal is to find a mask that is both functional and comfortable for sleeping.
CPAP Masks for side sleepers
For those treating sleep apnea, one of the best sleeping positions is on your side. This stops gravity from having an impact on your airway, unlike when you are on your back or stomach. However, it can be difficult for side sleepers to find the appropriate CPAP mask.
Nasal pillow masks work well for many side sleepers as they sit high above the cushion. Even if the face is tilted towards the cushion, the nasal pillow masks still create a seal
Nasal masks, which cover the nose partially or completely, are also helpful for side sleepers. The best types of masks come with adjustable headgear and effective sealing. Additionally, side sleepers may need a CPAP-friendly cushion to support the thickness of the nasal mask for preventing air leakage.
When it comes to CPAP masks, there are various categories available for sale to choose the right one for obstructive sleep apnea and CPAP therapy.
CPAP masks for back sleepers
Back-sleeping CPAP users have a lot of mask options available to them since even full-face masks fit comfortably in this position. Although sleeping on your back can be ideal for those wearing a CPAP mask, it could cause airway collapse due to gravity. If your doctor is aware that you sleep on your back and has not advised you to switch positions, then you should be able to feel comfortable with any mask that meets your other needs and is efficient. You can also read about Making your CPAP masks wearing more comfortable by visiting

There are multiple types of masks to consider when sleeping in this position, such as Philips Respironics masks that come with nasal cradle cushions, nasal pillows, and silicone cushions to help breathe comfortably.
Some full face masks come with frames that are designed to fit over glasses and facial hair, allowing mouth breathers to get the constant air pressure they need for sleep therapy. If you are considering using a CPAP machine, be sure to consult a sleep specialist to find the right mask for you.
Those who suffer from sleep apnea
Those who suffer from sleep apnea and watch tv while wearing a CPAP machine must find the right mask for them. The ResMed AirFit and AirMini are two of the most popular masks for those who sleep on their stomachs or sides, as they keep the mouth closed and provide indirect airflow to the nose.

However, those with a deviated septum or those who feel claustrophobic while wearing headgear may still experience air leakage. Breathing through the nose is important to keep the mouth closed and reduce apnea symptoms, so CPAP masks are constantly evolving to reduce discomfort.
What stores sell CPAP masks?
CPAP is a common sleep apnea treatment that uses a mask to deliver air to the nose and/or mouth. The right mask for you must be comfortable, fit well, and avoid air leakage. Depending on your situation, there are several types of masks available, such as nasal masks, full face masks, or masks designed for mouth breathers and side sleepers. The ResMed, AirFit, and AirMini are two examples of constantly evolving CPAP masks.
These masks are designed to provide indirect airflow, reduce deviated septum issues, and prevent mouth breathing. If you tend to feel claustrophobic, there are masks with minimal headgear and design features that allow you to watch TV or read while wearing the mask. The best place to purchase a CPAP mask is dependent on your need and personal preference.
Online stores still require a prescription
Online stores still require a prescription, which can be verified by fax or upload. You can purchase your mask as soon as your prescription is accepted. Medical supply stores also offer CPAP masks, which can be a more practical choice if you need a mask right away.
Finally, some sleep clinics and experts offer a selection of CPAP masks at a higher cost, but this can be beneficial as they can better monitor your care.
Making Use of a CPAP Pillow to Improve Mask Fit
Wearing the right fit of CPAP mask is essential for the success of CPAP treatment. Not all patients are able to comfortably fit all styles of CPAP masks, so it is best to follow your sleep specialist’s recommendations. If the mask you are wearing is preventing you from comfortably sleeping in your preferred posture, a CPAP cushion may be the solution.
These pillows are better contoured than a regular pillow to provide a comfortable fit and support for CPAP masks, especially for those with a thicker mask such as the Resmed Airfit F20 or the Fisher & Paykel Simplus.
They also provide better cervical support and help to prevent the mask from dislodging or causing neck strain. Furthermore, if you wear glasses, have a beard, or have smaller nostrils, you may need to wear a full-face CPAP mask to ensure that the seal is not broken throughout the night due to tubing movement. Click here to read about Purchasing high-cost medical devices and equipment in hospitals: a systematic review.
Final thoughts
A doctor must write a prescription for CPAP treatment in order for a patient to purchase a CPAP machine or sleep apnea masks for treating obstructive sleep apnea. A physician or sleep expert may assist in selecting the best CPAP masks, such as a nasal pillow mask, a nasal mask, or a face mask, as well as determining the pressure level, setting suggestions, and mask recommendations.
Patients should be able to express any preferences they may have about certain parts of their CPAP setup.
It is also important to be in constant communication with the doctor about any issues or challenges that occur after starting CPAP therapy, and the doctor may provide helpful recommendations. Patients should continue to visit their doctor periodically to discuss how the CPAP mask therapy is progressing and to bring up any new problems.
Lastly, the doctor may utilize data gathered by the CPAP masks to check that the device is functioning correctly and to assess how well the therapy is working.